TJF Demonstrable Outcomes and Key Performance Indicators

One of the most important services a community funder can provide is to be clear about what it seeks to achieve through its funding, and how it intends to measure impact along the way. In an effort to be more specific and focused in its strategic priorities, the Jewish Foundation (TJF) has
established 7 primary Demonstrable Outcomes (DOs) for its grantmaking, ranging from Jewish Engagement and Education, to Basic Social Service Needs, to Organizational Efficiency and Effectiveness. To assess progress towards those broad community objectives.

TJF has begun to track a series of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Sharing this measurement process with the Foundation’s grant partners began in earnest this past year via a series of presentations by TJF staff, and the Foundation will now begin collecting indicator data from its partners over the coming year to help establish baselines for each of these outcomes. The accompanying graphic illustrates those 7 Demonstrable Outcomes and the respective Indicators that are being tracked:

DO1: Jewish Organizations Are Operating Efficiently and Effectively
KPIs: Being tracked thru TJF’s Biennial Organizational Health Inventory Survey
DO2: Jewish Organizations Reflect Strong Fiscal Health, Leadership and Governance/th>
KPIs: Being tracked thru TJF’s Biennial Organizational Health Inventory Survey
DO3: Jewish Organization Facilities are Safe, Secure and Well Maintained
KPIs: Being tracked thru TJF’s Biennial Organizational Health Inventory Survey
DO 4: Jewish Cincinnatians Have Learning and Engagement Options that Meet Their Needs
KPI a: % of programs operating at/over capacity
KPI b: Overall Rate of Satisfaction (Net Promoter Score)
DO5: Jewish Cincinnatians Have Opportunities for Building Deeper Connections to Their Jewish Values, Heritage and Identity
KPI a: % of JCs reporting greater sense of connection to Jewish community
KPI b: % of JCs reporting stronger connection to Jewish identities
KPI c: % of JCs reporting being connected to Jewish Comm is meaningful
KPI d: % of JCs reporting stronger connection to Israel
DO6: Jewish Cincinnatians Have Opportunities to Expand and Strengthen Their Social Networks and Connections to Community
KPI a: % of JCs reporting meeting new Jewish people
KPI b: % of JCs reporting making new Jewish friends
KPI c: % of JCs reporting greater sense of connection to Jewish community
DO7: Basic Human Needs of Jewish Cincinnatians Are Being Metr
KPI a: % of JCs who are financially vulnerable (living 2X below poverty line)
KPI b: % of JCs who are food insecure
KPI c: % of JCs seeking mental health services fund appropriate outlets for services

The Foundation is also beginning to explore new opportunity areas for more underserved sectors of the Jewish community as identified in the 2019 Community Study, including Young Adults without Children, Young Families with Children Under 5 and Interfaith Families. More information on these opportunities can be found in the Reflect Cincy Launch section of this annual report.